ASF News

COVID-19 & Healthcare Events
It seems all anyone can talk about is the pandemic and how it has shifted our daily lives. We’ve gathered up a selection of healthcare and COVID-focused events during the 2021 Atlanta Science Festival to learn more about this historic pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Disparities in Black Communities:…

Hands-On Science at Home!
For those who love DIY projects and don’t mind getting their hands dirty, here are our top picks for hands-on science activities during the 2021 Atlanta Science Festival! Please note: some events may require purchasing supplies or picking up a kit.
STEMStar Day with K.I.D.S. Club | Saturday, March…

#ATLSciFest Virtual Performances
Enjoy dinner and a show, all from the comfort of your own home! Tune in for some of our favorite science-centric performances, performance art, and theatrical displays during the 2021 Atlanta Science Festival.
Guthman Musical Instrument Fair | Saturday, March 13th at 1:00 pm
Presented by: Georgia…

Environmental Science & Climate Events
Learn how to be a climate changemaker and what you can do to protect our environment. These 2021 Atlanta Science Festival events are all about going green. Start planning your Atlanta Science Festival experience with these events, taking place March 13-27.
CHaRM Recycling Tour | March 13th 10:00…