City Science Quest
Georgia State University Geoscience Missions
Know Your Watershed
Atlanta has amazing greenspaces and parks to explore including many with lovely walking paths that cross or go along streams. What’s the deal with that water? Where did it come from? Where is it going? There are 14 river basins and 52 major watersheds in Georgia. There are many more local watersheds… so start by getting to know what’s in your neighborhood.
- Think about your favorite greenspace or park with a creek near you. Then look up the name of that local watershed by searching for the location here: watersheds by address
- Next enter your home address to look up your local watershed! Is it the same for both places or is it different?
- Return to the GooseChase app and tap “Enter Answer” to type the names of the watersheds you find.
To learn more about why watersheds are important and to determine if the water where you live eventually drains into the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean, visit the links below to take this challenge a step further and read up on Atlanta’s watersheds. Fun Fact: Dr. Sarah Ledford from Georgia State University studies beaver dams and their impact on local watersheds. Her research team is studying to what extent beaver dams may help urban streams function like stormwater ponds. Do they help slow the surge of water after a storm event that can lead to flooding? Let us know if you spot a beaver dam near you! We love data!
- Look up Atlanta’s watershed drainage into the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico
- Map of the 14 river basins in Georgia
- Learn more about Dr. Sarah Ledford’s research on beaver dams in watersheds