"Father of the Cyborgs" tells the story of a neurologist in the late 1990s whose relentless effort to unlock speech for locked-in patients nearly incapacitated him when he decided to have his own brain implanted. Watch the documentary and then discuss brain-computer interfaces, mental privacy, and the future of neurotechnology with Atlanta thought leaders in neurotechnology and neuroethics!
Photo credit: Magdalena Sick-Leitner (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
No Registration Needed
Getting There
Parking Info
Parking is available at Student Center Parking Lot Adjacent to Student Center on Ferst Dr. See more here.
Alternative Transportation
The GT Student Center is closest to the North Avenue MARTA station on the red and gold lines. Walking time is about 16 minutes from the North Avenue Station. Exit the station on West Peachtree Street and cross over West Peachtree at the stoplight toward the church. Walk down North Avenue for about three blocks, then veer right onto Ferst Drive. Walk to the visitor parking lot with the triangular sculpture and turn right to walk through the lot to the student center.